It is no secret that our general state of health has an impact on our stamina, alertness, sleep, concentration and beauty.
The term "wellness" refers to being in good health - and particularly as a self pursued goal. Our hurried lifestyles, family schedules and work often divert even the best of intentions.
Spending time with nature contributes to our emotional and physical well being. It has a profound effect on blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones. Numerous studies have also linked the benefits of being "one with nature" to improved cognitive function and even mortality.
The saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is a philosophy that naturopaths employ – do not wait for a condition to progress into a serious illness before beginning simple yet effective lifestyle improvements. Subtle symptoms are often messages from the body that the need for balance may be in order.
Invest in your personal wellness plan with sound health principals and self care. Self‐care is a naturalistic decision‐making process involving the prevention & management aspects of wellness. Healthy foods, exercise, sleep, emotional well being, and supportive guidance from your health care providers are long term health investments.
Our choices and actions greatly contribute to our health and wellbeing. Health is considered to be a vital dynamic state where a person is able to thrive, or adapt to, a wide variety of environments and stresses - and is much more than just the absence of disease. The conscious avoidance of health determinants such as chemicals, processed foods, smoking and alcohol are proactive measures on behalf of your health.
• Optimal nutritional status
• Avoidance of toxic substances
• Adequate sleep & rest
• Regular exercise / deep breathing
• Adequate hydration
• Proper elimination
• Emotional well - being
• Balanced hormones & female organs
• Non-toxic products & endocrine disruptors
• Preventative home care skin practices
• Stress management
• Healthy home - avoid synthetic fragrances & chemicals
• Avoid pesticides, garden chemicals
• Avoid heavy metal exposures, damaging EMF's
• Avoid recreational drugs, alcohol, smoking
Our lifestyle consultations are geared towards beauty, lifestyle management and staying balanced.
We proudly offer Biogena as a our supplement brand of choice -
* The Biogena range contains only a very limited number of products whose ingredients are derived from potentially allergenic substances. The allergen is highlighted in bold in the list of ingredients for these products.
** Fructose-free products are a high priority for Biogena. However, some plant extracts naturally contain small amounts of fructose. This is also clearly indicated on the product label.
Providing a mineral blueprint of one's biochemistry, a hair tissue mineral analysis can provide pertinent information about one's metabolic rate, energy levels, and stage of stress.
A hair tissue mineral analysis is considered a standard test used around the world for the biological monitoring of trace elements and toxic metals in humans and animals species.
Test results are printed on an easy-to-read graph. We order the booklet format of the HTMA results that provides a great deal of educational information based on your profile. This is a great benefit for both the practitioner and the client. The printed graph includes the mineral results, major mineral ratios and the oxidation type.
A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) simply stated, is a screening test that measures the mineral content of your hair. However, a hair tissue mineral analysis is much more than a test for minerals. The balance and ratios of minerals in the body are a just a part of balancing wellness and healthy lifestyle.
The evaluation offers a the personalized transition dietary plan based entirely upon the results of one's hair tissue mineral analysis. This report includes three transition diets, menu plans and a wealth of information covering food preparation, eating habits, changing one's habits, cooking, shopping and other valuable information.
* We do not diagnose or treat any disease. For the treatment and diagnosis of any health condition, please consult with your health care professional.
* We do not diagnose or treat any disease. For the treatment and diagnosis of any health condition, please consult with your health care professional.
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