At Naturophoria, the primary goal is to identify and address the root causes and influences behind skin conditions rather than just treating the symptoms. With a naturopathic perspective, the emphasis is placed on prioritizing bio-individuality and acknowledging that each client presents unique skin concerns.
Comprehensive consultations and evaluation methods are necessary to realize the biological dynamics in preparation for a personalized program tailored to each individual's needs. Adopting a functional approach creates a pathway to achieve progressive benchmarks while monitoring and re-evaluating the products, home care, and services provided. Advanced technologies, techniques, innovative cosmetic formulations, and lifestyle coaching are fundamental pillars of sustainable skincare.
Our lifestyle choices and actions play a significant role in our health and well-being. Health is a vital dynamic state that allows a person to thrive and adapt to various environments and stresses. It is much more than just the absence of disease. Proactively avoiding harmful health determinants such as chemicals, processed foods, smoking, and alcohol can greatly benefit your health.
Invest in your personal wellness plan by following sound health principles and prioritizing self-care. Self-care is a natural decision-making process that involves both the prevention and management aspects of wellness. Key components include healthy eating, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, emotional well-being, and support from your healthcare providers. These elements are crucial for making long-term health investments.
The saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" reflects a philosophy commonly embraced by naturopaths. It emphasizes the importance of taking proactive steps to improve your lifestyle rather than waiting for a minor condition to develop into a more serious illness. Subtle symptoms can often serve as signals from the body indicating that a need for balance is present.
Your skin is the largest organ of the body - Give your skin what it deserves:
© International Association For Applied Corneotherapy
© International Association For Applied Corneotherapy
© International Association For Applied Corneotherapy
A key principle of Corneotherapy is to keep the epidermis intact at all times, with the therapeutic actions working from the outer layers of the epidermis inward. This approach of retaining the integrity of the epidermis ensures the skin's defense and immune systems are not stimulated unnecessarily.
© International Association For Applied Corneotherapy
PHOTO: © Dr. Erin Madigan-Fleck NMD
Recent advancements in genomics (genetic testing) and bioinformatics have led to the discovery of links between specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and skin properties. SNPs are naturally occurring variations in a person's DNA, and an individual typically has about 4 to 5 million SNPs in their genome. Some variations may be unique to individuals, while others can be found in many people. Researchers have identified over 100 million SNPs across global populations. As modern genetics is a rapidly advancing field, our understanding of genetics has led to the remarkable discovery that all humans share over 99% of their DNA. It is the less than 1% variation that makes each of us unique from one another.
Skin DNA testing analyzes specific genetic markers related to various skin conditions, allergies, nutritional needs, susceptibility to aging, moisture levels, texture, and more.
By understanding your skin's genetic makeup, a skin DNA test helps you anticipate how your skin will react in different situations, allowing you to adjust your skincare routine accordingly.
* We do not diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care professional to treat and diagnose any health condition.
While human genetics is often associated with hereditary disorders and disease predisposition, this discovery emphasizes that no single skincare approach will be practical for everyone. This evaluation aims to clarify these commonly held beliefs and provide insights into important questions regarding your skin’s health and appearance.
Providing a mineral blueprint of one's biochemistry, a hair tissue mineral analysis can provide pertinent information about one's metabolic rate, energy levels, and stage of stress.
A hair tissue mineral analysis is considered a standard test used around the world for the biological monitoring of trace elements and toxic metals in humans and animals species.
Test results are printed on an easy-to-read graph. We order the booklet format of the HTMA results that provides a great deal of educational information based on your profile. This is a great benefit for both the practitioner and the client. The printed graph includes the mineral results, major mineral ratios and the oxidation type.
A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) simply stated, is a screening test that measures the mineral content of your hair. However, a hair tissue mineral analysis is much more than a test for minerals. The balance and ratios of minerals in the body are a just a part of balancing wellness and healthy lifestyle.
The evaluation offers a the personalized transition dietary plan based entirely upon the results of one's hair tissue mineral analysis. This report includes three transition diets, menu plans and a wealth of information covering food preparation, eating habits, changing one's habits, cooking, shopping and other valuable information.
* We do not diagnose or treat any disease. For the treatment and diagnosis of any health condition, please consult with your health care professional.
* We do not diagnose or treat any disease. For the treatment and diagnosis of any health condition, please consult with your health care professional.
* The Biogena range contains only a very limited number of products whose ingredients are derived from potentially allergenic substances. The allergen is highlighted in bold in the list of ingredients for these products.
** Fructose-free products are a high priority for Biogena. However, some plant extracts naturally contain small amounts of fructose. This is also clearly indicated on the product label.